Financial contributions to Epicenter not only helps us keep the the lights on, and pay the bills; but it helps us to have ministries that invest into the Church body, and allows us to reach outside the Church walls and into our community. At Epicenter, we have two ways that you can give: in our building you will find two giving boxes (One located in the commons area, and the other in the back of the worship center) where you can drop off your financial gift; or the other is by clicking on the link below that will re-direct you to Tithely. While we want to have avenues and methods for people to give, we also understand that not everyone may be in a financial position to give. So if that is where you find yourself, would you consider praying for the ministry of Epicenter to effectively disciple those within our walls, to reach those within our community, and to have an impact that reaches far beyond our expectations.